Advice to Newbies, Motivation Monday IQ+ Cards

Motivation Monday IQ+ Card # 8



Use this IQ+ Card  (Inspirational Quote Plus) to get inspiration for your next gelli printing session, art journal page or mixed media project. It is triangular in shape and that means it has at least 3 ways to inspire you.

  1. Use the inspirational quote:  “You don’t need to have it all figured out to move forward.” Wow do I ever need this calming quote right now.   As I turned the page on my agenda to May. The quote I had written in the corner was. ” All great changes are preceded by chaos.”  Who knew that the quote I randomly wrote each page would hit the mark so precisely. About 10 days ago, my husband finally got word on the job he’s been wanting. We hoped, knew and prayed that this would happen, yet now that the reality of it is staring us in the face suddenly the enormity of the change we are embarking on has weighed us down.                                                                                                                                                                     There’s the concern about when my husband will be gone. We need to find him a place for a couple months. Then we need to find a summer rental for us for July and August.  Spring has sprung so there’s all the yard work.  Over 15 bags of leaves later, there’s still edging of the perennial beds and dealing with the weeds. Then  there is getting the house prepared to put on the market.  Worry that we won’t get what we want for it, as there are so many houses for sale right now. Deciding what we will take with us to BC and what we will sell. Taking pictures, posting to garage sale sites and taking some stuff to the Good Neighbor Store.  On top of it all , I am also retiring which means I need to pack up at the school and sell /get rid of/recycle .  Multi-tasking doesn’t quite describe what went on this weekend. We were doing it all- yard work, sorting and selling school stuff, massive cleaning , and prepping of home as well as trying to keep calm about those things that aren’t in my control.      IMG_3281That’s when I came across this IQ+ card.  ” You don’t need to have it all figured out to move forward.” I took a deep breath and just started. I did what I could and let go of those things that I don’t have control of. I remind myself that I don’t have to have every detail figured out ( can you say Type A) . Things will evolve as they should . My husband and I will figure it out as we go.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           It occurs to me that this quote has extra meaning for those of us who create. I read lots of posts on Facebook from those new or not so new  to mixed media  saying they are intimidated by the blank page, that they don’t know how to start or where to start. Then there are those posts from people  who create backgrounds, but don’t know what to do next.  To all of you ( and I am at times in each group) I say just move forward. Do something, anything. You don’t need to know exactly where you will end up. Start . Enjoy the process. Start with one color, one word, anything. Just start.
  2. Use the  color combination or color scheme .   The colors of this IQ+ card are full of energy. They are pink, orange, yellow, red-all warm colors. At first look you would describe the color as pink. But when you look closer, you see the different colors peeking through.The black through my segmented swirl stencil both makes the colors pop and subdues them at the same time. IMG_3282IMG_3284

3.   Use the patterns/designs and get  some great ideas on how to use patterns to create.Notice the  segmented swirl pattern. If you look long enough it creates movement and comes to life. This is exactly how I felt this weekend; spinning around. Going in circles. IMG_3282So take in this IQ+ card ‘s inspiration. Allow things to evolve. Let go and “Trust” ( my word for the year)  that things will work out. Trust that you will be able to cope with whatever comes. Trust that it will all fall in place. And until it’s done trust that the steps you take, big or small will move you forward, towards your dream.  You don’t need to have it all figured out to move forward.                                                                                                                                                                      Use  any or all of the three  inspirational prompts to  create you own wonderful page.   Please be sure to post your creations that were inspired by this deck on the Facebook Group in the Motivation Monday album.    allthingsmixedmedia:CreativeKady  . I would love you to join the “creationships” that are being developed there.

CreativeKady/Karen Burchill

Don’t forget to become a follower to this blog . That way you will get an email every time I publish a blog post.

Want to create your own IQ+ Cards – click below.



Advice to Newbies, Motivation Monday IQ+ Cards

Motivation Monday IQ+ Card # 7



Use this IQ+ Card  (Inspirational Quote Plus) to get inspiration for your next gelli printing session, art journal page or mixed media project. It is triangular in shape and that means it has at least 3 ways to inspire you.

  1. Use the inspirational quote:  “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” I love this quote for so many reasons. Often we complain about things in our life and in things around us forgetting we have the power to change things . Sometimes we can change things just with an attitude change. Other times we can work to make the world a better place. Doing simple things like smiling at people, complimenting a clerk for their good service or help or just taking the time to just ask someone else how their day is going.  There is another quote saying ” what you look for is what you get” Attitude is everything.    IMG_1754 [436646]         IMG_1751 [436647]                                                In the page I created I did a two page spread. On the first page the girl is standing in the rain, possibly bemoaning the fact that it’s raining. If you look at the umbrella it makes a frown.  On the second page the girl puts down the – umbrella- see how it now makes a smile and the sun comes out. Some days we just have to make our own sunshine and when we do others benefit as well.
  2. Use the  color combination or color scheme .  We are definitely in the warm colors on this page with red, yellow and orange. I also used a burgundy color. IMG_4747 [2370510]  If you look at the color wheel you can see the 5 colors on the bottom. These five colors are analogous. If you use 3-5 of these on a page they can be blended without fear of making mud and they will look good.   I used my Dylusions paints to create the background on this page, but don’t worry the same effect can be done with acrylics or even sprays. You just have to adjust to the medium you have. 941361_10153692772278124_6195128522781198190_n I applied the paint with the Ranger blending pads that I attached with velcro to my repurposed old teacher stamps. You can attach them to wooden thread spools or wooden handles bought at lumber store. You don’t have to buy the blending tool.  I applied the 4 colors to the page without gesso. I would use gesso if I used other acrylic paints. I dried the page and added more color, blending until I liked the page. Then I got out my  stamps and stencils which brings us to the next step.IMG_1753 [436648]


3.   Use the patterns/designs and get  some great ideas on how to use patterns to create effective layering.   The first thing I did was stamp all over with the darker color applied to my script stamp.  Since the IQ+ card was made with a Crafter’s Workshop stencil that has circles, lines and triangles  I used a variety of stencils to create my page. I applied the Dylusions paint with the blending tool through the stencil. I used the lightest color and stenciled over background colors that were darker, I used the darker colors and stenciled over lighter areas. At times I used the same stencil and two different colors- look above to see the yellow circles and red circles to see what I mean.  To add a little bling I used my homemade funky star stamp and gold acrylic paint. I then used silhouette stencils for the girls and the umbrellas. The sentiment stamps I had purchased for $ 1.50 from our dollar store. Can we all say “score”. There was white on the IQ+ card so I outlined the black stenciled in parts.IMG_1752 [436645]             IMG_1750


                                                                                                                                                                      Use  any or all of the three  inspirational prompts to  create you own wonderful page.   Please be sure to post your creations that were inspired by this deck on the Facebook Group in the Motivation Monday album.    allthingsmixedmedia:CreativeKady  . I would love you to join the “creationships” that are being developed there.

CreativeKady/Karen Burchill

Don’t forget to become a follower to this blog . That way you will get an email every time I publish a blog post.

Want to create your own IQ+ Cards – click below.



Advice to Newbies, Motivation Monday IQ+ Cards

Motivation Monday IQ+ Card # 6



Use this IQ+ Card  (Inspirational Quote Plus) to get inspiration for your next gelli printing session, art journal page or mixed media project. It is triangular in shape and that means it has at least 3 ways to inspire you.

  1. Use the inspirational quote: ” It’s not about the pieces, but how they work together”. It occurs to me that this quote summarizes “art Journaling” or ” mixed media”. Each component by itself is nice, but not ever amazing. But, put them together and something wornderful happens. The magic of mixed media. I’ve seen people ask in Facebook why people in videos don’t stop sooner. Or why they put down paper , stamps etc, when you can’t see it in the end. The answer is simply the quote ” It’s not about the pieces, but how they work together.” Sometimes the various layers do peak through and make the piece just by being there. They may be subtle, but without them, the pieces would not be the same. If you’ve ever done gelli printing you know how amazing the addition of the “crusty bits” make to the final gelli print.  Sometimes the pieces are necessary , because we as artists need to go through that process to get to the end. Not many of us still crawl, but learning to crawl was a necessary step to walking.  IMG_3005
  2. Use the  color combination or color scheme .  Dark blue, aqua, and white. This reminds me of the Caribbean Ocean. It’s cool , inviting and fresh. Maybe I will create a beach scene from this inspiration, or under the sea. What does it make you think of? 


3.   Use the patterns/designs and get  some great ideas on how to use patterns to create effective layering.  Look at this texture/design above. The pattern comes from one of my favorite 6 inch stencil from Crafters Workshop. I started by applying the blue and aqua on the gelli plate. I wasn’t particular about where I placed it. When I brayered the paint it mixed.   I placed bubble wrap on top of the paint and lifted some paint. I took a print of it. This became my background . Then when the gelli plate was clean I put white on , then placed my Crafters’ Workshop stencil, I lifted the white paint with the stencil still on. Then lifted the stencil and took the print you see. This print would look totally different without the use of bubble wrap on the background layer.

                                                                                                                                                                      Use  any or all of the three  inspirations to  create something wonderful.   Please be sure to post your creations that were inspired by this deck on the Facebook Group in the Motivation Monday album.    allthingsmixedmedia:CreativeKady

I would love you to join the “creationships” that are being developed there.

CreativeKady/Karen Burchill

Don’t forget to become a follower to this blog . That way you will get an email every time I publish a blog post.

Want to create your own IQ+ Cards – click below.



Advice to Newbies, Motivation Monday IQ+ Cards

Motivation Monday IQ+ Card # 5



Use this IQ+ Card  (Inspirational Quote Plus) to get inspiration for your next gelli printing session, art journal page or mixed media project. It is triangular in shape and that means it has at least 3 ways to inspire you.

  1. Use the inspirational quote: ” Inhale possibility. Exhale Creativity”. What does this quote mean to you? To me it means that sometimes in life we need to just be still, take a deep breath and calm our whole body. When I go to create, I can’t do it , if I’m stressed, worried, upset. In my profession as a learning resource teacher, I help students learn how to calm themselves down so they can focus  and be their best selves. The same goes for us adults. We need to calm ourselves before we can create. We need to breathe and let go, breathe and open yourself up to all the possibilities. Not overthink things. Not be hyper critical. We need to breathe and create.
  2. Use the  color combination or color scheme .  Aqua, purple, white with a bit of silver.

IMG_31023.   Use the patterns/designs and get  some great ideas on how to use patterns to create effective layering.  Look at this texture/design above. Hard to believe it was made by large scale bubble wrap. I made my own texture plates to use on my gelli plate. After applying the drywall compound to the backing I pressed in the large bubble wrap.  I simply push the texture plate into the painted gelli plate and when I place the paper on it and pull the print, this loveliness is what I got. To me it looks like tiny little cabbage roses.IMG_3100

Below see a picture of my texture plateIMG_3107

Here’s the link to my video where I show how I made this and other texture plates. I love using them and highly recommend you make your own if you gelli print.


This week I was inspired by this IQ+ ( Inspiration Quote plus card) and created this art journal page using my new Dylusions Paints. I added white and silver to “push back” the vibrancy of the Dylusions paints. I also used the same large bubble wrap to stamp with . I even took inspiration from the quote and created one that means the same thing. “Just Breathe, Just Create”.


I made a video of the entire process. If you wish to check it out click on this link.

                                                                                                                                                                        Use  any or all of the three  inspirations to  create something wonderful.   Please be sure to post your creations that were inspired by this deck on the Facebook Group in the Motivation Monday album.


I would love you to join the “creationships” that are being developed there.

CreativeKady/Karen Burchill

Don’t forget to become a follower to this blog . That way you will get an email every time I publish a blog post.

Want to create your own IQ+ Cards – click below.



Advice to Newbies, Motivation Monday IQ+ Cards

Motivation Monday IQ+ Card # 4


IMG_3018Use this IQ+ Card  (Inspirational Quote Plus) to get inspiration for your next gelli printing session, art journal page or mixed media project. It is triangular in shape and that means it has at least 3 ways to inspire you.

  1. Use the inspirational quote: ” Focus on the journey, not on the destination.”                     So often I find we focus on where we want to be and don’t enjoy where we are in the journey. We fail to appreciate what is happening right now. We want to rush through this part to get to the destination.  We don’t stop and smell the flowers. This applies to our individual journeys into “art journaling/mixed media”                                                                       In the last few weeks, in a couple of the Facebook Groups I belong to, someone has posed the question ,  ” What do you do with the art journals?  What is the purpose of them beyond the creating.”                                                                                                                                             I   admit that I am hoping to turn my “art” and ” hobby” into something more once I retire. I am not sure if I will try to sell my art, teach art journaling classes, teach online classes or some combination of all the above.  But for the here and now, the purpose of my art journaling, and blogging and videoing is just to enjoy the process of creating and sharing. The purpose now is to learn and grow, to extend myself and open myself up to others. But, there is an even more basic purpose. I am happier when I am involved in a creative process. Playing with color, pattern, design simply makes me smile. My life is better when I engage in a “creative” pursuit. Sharing it with you is the cherry on top of the sundae.

IMG_3020 IMG_3019

  1. Use the  color combination or color scheme .  This color scheme is fairly monochromatic with shades of blue and a mix of silver ( you know me, I have to have some shimmer) . There is also some purple in the mix.  The white appears as I lifted the paint from the “flowerbursts” prior to taking off the stencil and pulling the print.  In the background there are the remains of “grundgy bits” from the gelli plate that simply add interest in their unpredictability.

3.  Use the patterns/designs and get  some great ideas on how to use patterns to create effective layering.   IMG_3021This uses the Joggles stencil entitled ” Flowerburst” . After putting blue and silver paint on the “grundgy” gelli plate I place the stencil on the gelli plate. I placed a paper on the stencil and removed the paint from the “flowerbursts” , then I removed the stencil and lifted this gorgeous print. I chose the quote for this design as it seems to spin, and draw you in.

If I was to use this stencil on a journal page and ” stencil” with it. I would use the “bump” technique where you stencil then move stencil just a bit , and stencil again. It produces a wonderful effect.                                                                                                                                                                                    IMG_3018                                                                                                                                                                            Use  any or all of the three  inspirations to  create something wonderful.   Please be sure to post your creations that were inspired by this deck on the Facebook Group in the Motivation Monday album


I would love you to join the “creationships” that are being developed there.

CreativeKady/Karen Burchill

Don’t forget to become a follower to this blog . That way you will get an email every time I publish a blog post.

Want to create your own IQ+ Cards – click below.



Craft Hacks, Uncategorized

Top 10 Ways to Use Your Stencils: Getting Bang for Your Buck

When I started doing mixed media and art journaling about one year ago, I was intrigued by the vast array of wonderful products that I saw being used in the YouTube videos. I felt that I needed to have all of it. Of course, this is when my character trait of being practical kicked in, not to mention my budget. My question  then became ” which product could I get the most bang for my buck from?” For me to buy something , it needed to have multiple uses. It needed to be usable for creating small ATCs and larger journal pages. It needed to be usable in a variety of ways. In other words it  had to be versatile.

If you watched my videos you will have perhaps taken note of the large collection of stencils that I have. In fact, I’ve been offered the opportunity to send my stencils away for a “play date” with other artists both near and far. I have accumulated a lot of stencils because they give me the “bang for my buck” I demand from my purchases.

10 Ways to Use Your Stencils ( bought or homemade)

  1.   Use acrylic paint with make up sponge or dabber through stencil.

2.    Spray homemade or purchased sprays through the  stencil . See this  in the second part of this homemade spray video.

3.  Flip over stencil after spraying with spray and place on paper for reverse print.

4.  After applying color onto a page with sprays or Inktense Blocks put on a stencil and remove color through the stencil with a baby wipe.  Click this link to see a video showing this

5.  After painting with acrylics- with paint still wet…put on stencil and wipe out paint through stencil with a baby wipe. You will have to act quickly before it dries.

6.  Put modelling paste or gesso ( white or colored) through stencil and add texture. Click on this link and go to around minute 18 to see this.

7.  Put gel medium through stencil. Tinting with color or clear. It t will act as a resist.

8.  Put stencil on page and trace with permanent pen. Doodle or Zentangle in shape. If large stencil of item for example a flower draw out onto gelli print or other paper and then cut out and collage flower.

9.  Use stencils with your gelli plate to make gelli prints. Put acrylic paint on gelli plate with brayer. Put on stencil. Put on paper and do first pull of a print. Take off stencil and get second pull. Use different stencils and get a layered gelli print. See video link listed on use number 10.

10.  Make diy texture plates to use when making gelli prints . See my video by clicking here

Bonus- whatever use remember you don’t have to use the stencil as it is. You can isolate a certain part by covering up parts you don’t want.Look at your stencils through new eyes and see if there is a part you can use . For example a star or flower in the middle of the stencil.


I’ve done the work for you and organized my store by categories. Everything I chose is CreativeKady approved- I either own it OR want to own it.

Save time and go directly to the stencil category


If you have any other uses for stencils, please leave a comment telling us about it. Now go, get out your stencils and  use them in a new way.

Creative Kady